July 27, 2024
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The Programmes Committee of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) has
held a meeting at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru, to reflect on the
state of the nation.

The Programmes Committee was joined by the Chairpersons of the NCCK County Coordinating Committees and the Regional Committees.

The meeting took note of the findings of a survey conducted across the country which
indicated that 71% rated the performance of the government at below average, and 74 percent indicated that the country is headed in the wrong direction.

“This is a very worrying state of affairs, and there is an urgent need for remedial action.
Having considered the guidance of God given in Proverbs 27: 5 – Better an open rebuke than hidden love – we humbly request to share the following message with you.
Kenyans Are Suffering, Please Listen to Their Cries, The people of Kenya, whom you committed to serve and protect, are in great pain. The Constitution of Kenya provides in Article 129 (2) that “Executive authority shall be exercised in a manner compatible with the principle of service to the people of Kenya, for their well-being and benefit”. Said Reverent Canon Chris Kinyanjui General Secretary NCCK.

NCCK urged the President to Uphold the Constitution of Kenya and Rule of Law
and commended him for public commitments to uphold the Constitution of
Kenya in all your work and to lead the government in adhering to the Constitution and Laws of Kenya. NCCK were particularly alarmed at the expanding osmotic relationship between the three arms of government. In the Constitution of Kenya, the Executive, the Legislature and Judiciary were created separately to provide checks and balances to ensure justice. However, the Executive is progressively and visibly tearing down these boundaries resulting in loss of confidence in the institutions of governance.

NCCK also, pleads to an end the public attacks on the Judiciary.
Where there is suspicion of corruption against any judge, let the proper procedure be followed to have them investigated and necessary action taken.In the same breath, we urge that the Legislature be let free to hold the Executive accountable as is provided for in the Constituttion.

NCCK also urged the Government to Cut down the Cost of Living observing that,
the biggest concern of the people of Kenya is the high cost of living. The soaring cost of
commodities coupled with dwindling expendable income, has pushed more Kenyans below the poverty line. The collapse of businesses, both big and small, has exponentially raised unemployment levels in the country. The situation is unsustainable regardless of any macro-level economic measures being put in place.
Indeed the cry of the people of Kenya is akin to that of the people of Israel that is recorded in Nehemiah 5: 3 – 4 Others were saying, ‘We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine’. Still others were saying, ‘We have had to borrow money to pay the king’s tax on our fields and vineyards’.
To remedy the situation, they strongly recommend that the Government to provide reprieve for the people by lowering taxes and freezing the increment of statutory deductions for health and retirement insurances. Instead, we urge for measures to promote growth of exportoriented businesses. This will earn the nation the much-needed foreign exchange and also increase tax income without unnecessarily aggravating the people.

Reverent Canon Chris Kinyanjui General webt on to Call for donations from all kenyans to donate Kenyan shillings 1:50 cents to support the disabled children to access education. To donate, One will send word elimu to 29888 through safaricom line. The amount is then deducted from the airtime on a daily basis.
He further observed that the funds will be accounted for by NCCK and will help support 350,000 children who are not able to access education. It is an urgent programme and funds should be available in the next 3 months.


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