September 21, 2024
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The Mt Kenya Foundation (MKF) now says that nothing will change its mind with regards to its plan to make ODM leader Raila Odinga President.

The foundation, also known as Mt Kenya Tycoons, brings together rich and influential individuals from Central Kenya with an interest in politics.

They have lately been working closely with ODM leader Raila Odinga, a leading contender in the race, despite criticism from some of his opponents.

But it’s Director Githinji Kiragu on Tuesday said that the decision has been made and there are no chances of the foundation engaging the reverse gear.

“We have in no doubt decided that Azimio is the way forward for the future prosperity of this country. This is a divine nation and we have to,” he said at the Safari Park Hotel as is quoted by The Standard.

Kiragu added that the foundation will now ensure that Raila succeeds President Uhuru Kenyatta, which should come as bad news for his competitors.

Kiragu stated that they will see to it that Raila ascends to power, after identifying him as the best man to steer the country to prosperity in the future.

“We will ensure that we fulfill this mission in solidarity,” he added, a few months after the MKF endorsed Raila at the same venue.

This now comes as bad news for the likes of Deputy President William Ruto, who have been accusing the foundation of trying to interfere in the election.

Kiragu’s declaration that they will ensure that Raila wins means that Ruto might have a bigger job to do, considering the financial muscles members of the foundation are believed to have.

The DP has been using Raila’s association with the team to campaign against him, terming him a project of the rich whose main intention is to protect the rich and not the interests of every Kenyan.

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