Group Photo for ECD stakeholders at Tamarind Tree Hotel Nairobi.

The ECD Network for Kenya in partnership with the Africa Early Chiodhood Network has intensified Child care advocacy initiatives through creating a nationwide awareness campaign on the importance of quality and affordable Child care.

The Occassion saw the attendance of various stakeholders like; Representative for CS Labour and Social Protection, World Bank, APHRC, Dr. Teresa Mwoma National Coordinator ECDNek and ECDNek Board.


The Day of African Child is Marked every year on June16th. It is a day that ensures that child rights are always protected and respected.The ECD Network for Kenya, in partnership with the Africa Early Childhood Network, seeks to intensify childcare advocacy initiatives through creating a nationwide awareness campaign on the importance of quality and affordable childcare. The theme of the campaign is “Universal access to quality Child care and protection for children 0-5 years”.
The dialogue also seeks to Compaign against the cultural and traditional methods that impact child care Negativley.

In Kenya Child care faces significant challenges despite efforts to its quality and accesibilty. Research has shown that only a small percentage of children under five years have access to quality EarlyvChildhood Development (ECD) services, with rural areas and informal settlements disproportionately affected. Additionally, the World Bank Report 2014 emphasizes the lack of cordination among various stakeholders, leading to fragmented service deliverly and limited impact. The fragmented approach contributes to the existing gap in Child care that require a National Dialogue.


Providing quality Chidcare enables children to develop secure attachments, which are associated with later behaviour, health, and learning capacities. Attachment security in the early years influences developmental functioning across the life course . Working parents require child friendly policies. Establishing these family centred policies benefit business byvincreasing employee retention, productivity, job satisfaction and loyalty hence attracting talent , boosting reputation and expanding access to markets.

The Campaign that will run for six months
aims to ;
To showcade the strides achieved in the Child care sector in relation to the laegal and policy coordination, advocacy, research, academia and advicate for increased investment for child care across country.

To unpack the role of multi sectoral collaboration, policy formulation and implementation on child care at both National and County Government levels.